Upcoming Events

2023-2024 Annual Theme: Grit, Growth, Gratitude

The journey of a woman, especially professionally, is an ever-evolving experience that, while integrated in the world, is still very unique to each of us. Women strive to break barriers, shatter glass ceilings, and pave the way for future generations through their careers. This journey entails embracing and representing grit, growth, and gratitude. For many women, particularly in the STEM industries, grit means tackling challenges head-on. Through grit and determination to continue the journey, women embody an infinite growth ability. Professionally, growth is not just about accumulating knowledge but also about evolving as individuals and as leaders. This means seeking out opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and continuous education. This the mission that WEST seeks to fill, and one of the many facets of the WEST community that our members love. As women grow, we reflect on the grit, growth, support, and opportunities required to get where we are, and embrace gratitude. For WEST, gratitude extends past the individual journey and leads us to generously give back to the community that has empowered us. After much reflection, as well as looking ahead to the future, these tenets, grit, growth, and gratitude, have been selected as WEST’s Annual Theme for 2024-2025.




Show Her the Money Movie Night & Panel Discussion
September 5, 2024, 5:30-8:00 PM ET 

Featuring rock-star female investors who invest in diverse women entrepreneurs with innovations that will change the world, Show Her The Money reminds us that money is power and to achieve true equality, investing in women is imperative.
Following the movie, we will host a panel discussion. We are lucky enough to have women from the film joining us - Wendy Ryan (CEO of Kadabra) and Marian Leitner (Co-founder and Chief Feather Ruffler at Archer Roose Wines) joining us for an intimate discussion. Sacha Mann, an experienced CEO, Company Builder, a Cambridge local, and Venture Capital Investor in a few women-led life sciences companies will also participate on the panel.
Everyone Welcome: All genders, allies, friends, family. Come join us!
Location: Agios Pharmaceuticals, 88 Sidney St., Cambridge, MA

CostMembers: $15; Non-Members: $30 - Movie Snacks Included




Fireside Author Chat - The Mirrored Door: Break Through the Hidden Barrier That Holds Successful Women in Place
September 17, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

At some point in their careers, many women encounter the “mirrored door” ― the place where, when presented with opportunities, they look inward and hesitate, determining they’re not ready or worthy enough to speak up or advance professionally. In her book The Mirrored Door: Break Through the Hidden Barrier that Locks Successful Women in Place, Ellen Connelly Taaffe, clinical associate professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, draws on research, stories from her own career, and those of her students and the mid-late career women she has coached. 

Taaffe explains why women reach a certain level and then encounter barriers that prevent them from taking the next step in their careers as expectations rise. She brings a new framework to this conversation, with immediately actionable ideas, identifying the barriers that come from within. 

Join WEST Advisory Board members and executive coaches Etta Jacobs and Tammy Gooler Loeb for an engaging and enlightening fireside chat with the book’s author, Ellen Connelly Taaffe. Bring your questions and discussion points.

Location: Zoom

Cost: Members: $0; Non-Members: $10




Influence Without Authority
September 18, 2024, 11:30 AM ET-1:00 PM ET 

Everyone needs to be able to influence. In some situations we do pretty well, but we all have situations that we walk away from thinking that we really didn’t feel heard. We often blame the other person for not listening. However, all relationships are 50-50. We each share equal responsibility for speaking and listening. Sometimes, in difficult situations though, our emotions can get in the way of us being effective. The Positive Power and Influence Programs gives you options.

During the session, you will:

  • Participate in an exercise to experience influence energy and learn more about the Situational Influence Model.
  • Practice the different ways to positively influence people.
  • Learn how to handle unproductive or stressful interactions.
Location: Zoom

CostMembers: $5; Non-Members: $15




Career Possibilities Panel & Speed Networking: AI & Computational Science
September 25, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

In the world of science, careers are no longer linear or predictable. What was once a clearly sign-posted path as you progressed through milestones, a career road map is now circuitous presenting new challenges and opportunities at every bend. Life-long careers in one sector or one company are becoming a rarity as new technologies and shifting social norms disrupt traditional careers. Both employers and employees are seeking more diversity of experience, lifestyle flexibility and alternative paths. This panel is designed to help you think about your career path and the different options that are open to you. The panel will have an informational interview type feel with panelists sharing their career paths, a look at what their job entails, transferrable skills for those looking to make a change, tips for uncovering opportunities, advice for others, and how to make brave leaps. 

Location: Zoom

CostFree to all
Thanks to our series sponsor:




Work-Life Harmony: Debunking the Myth, Defining Your Balance
September 30, 2024, 1:00-2:00 PM ET 

Join us for an empowering workshop where we'll explore the why, what, and how of achieving work-life harmony. We'll tackle the biggest myth surrounding work-life balance - that it will cost you career success - and discover how balance can actually fuel your professional growth.

Why: Understand the importance of work-life harmony for your career, relationships, and well-being.

What: Define what work-life balance means to you, identify your priorities, and recognize what you need more of in your life.

How: Take small, clear, and specific actions to achieve your desired balance, to enhance success and fulfillment.
Location: Zoom

CostMembers: $5; Non-Members: $15




WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking
October 9, 2024, 5:30-7:30 PM ET 

The WoW - WEST on Wednesdays Networking series has become one of our most popular! These events are great opportunities to network with other STEM professionals while enjoying drinks and appetizers. 

LocationFoley & Lardner LLP, 111 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02199

CostMembers: $0; Non-Members: $10




Building Relationship Capital
October 16, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

Building a professional network is more than just asking people to connect on LinkedIn or trading business cards at an event. It is about building relationships over time that lead to mutual benefit. Learn how to build your “relationship capital” through a variety of active and passive strategies that ensure your name stays top of mind so opportunities flow your way. This workshop will be lead by Ingrid Goldbloom Bloch.

  • Learn 10 tips for building relationship capital at every stage of your career
  • Learn how to stay "top of mind" within your network so opportunities flow your way
    Learn “give to get” strategies to strengthen any professional relationship
  • Learn how to priorities your networking activities for maximum return 
Location: Zoom

CostMembers: $5; Non-Members: $15




Rockstar Breakfast
October 24, 2024, 9:00-10:00 AM ET 

If you would love to learn about industry achievements and experiences first-hand from some of the most respected leaders in their fields, you won't want to miss this event WEST's Rockstar Breakfast. Join us for an intimate event where the panel of leading women in venture capital will share their roles, career journey, professional achievements, lessons learned, inspirations, advice, and more. The panel will feature Sarah Gheuens, Chief Medical Officer & Head of R&D at Agios Pharmaceuticals. Registration for this event is limited to maintain an intimate, engaging environment.

Location: Agios Pharmaceuticals, 64 Sidney St., Heliopolis Conference Room, Cambridge, MA 02139

CostMembers: $5; This event is open to members only.




LinkedIn For Personal Branding: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market
November 4, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

In today's technology-driven age, your LinkedIn presence holds immense power as the primary digital impression you make on potential clients, hiring managers, partners, and colleagues. LinkedIn offers the opportunity to craft a powerful profile, foster meaningful engagement within your network, and harness the potential of an amazing content platform to enhance your visibility and credibility. Discover how to navigate the impact of artificial intelligence while staying true to your personal authenticity. 

Join author Sandra Long in this enlightening presentation as she guides you through the art of leveraging LinkedIn authentically to elevate your personal brand and forge a path to success in your career or business. 

Learn and be inspired to:
• Elevate your brand presence and strategic network.
• Position yourself for referrals and new career and business opportunities.
• Demonstrate your expertise and authenticity using LinkedIn’s newest profile and content sharing

Location: Lab Central, 700 Main St., Lobby, Cambridge, MA 02139

CostMembers: $15; Non-Members: $25 - light dinner included




Actionable Tips for Women in STEM to Break Glass Ceilings & Uplift Their Colleagues
November 13, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM ET 

Join Foley Hoag and WEST, a learning community that provides women in the enterprise of science and technology with the inspiration, knowledge, and connections to reach their full potential, to learn more about the legal aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Affirmative Action in June of 2023. This timely and important conversation will focus on what corporate leaders, business leaders, and those outside the higher education space need to keep in mind regarding the legal ramifications of this decision, early responses to the decision from a legal and political perspective, and recommendations and best practices for pursuing DE&I goals.

Together Rosa J. Nuñez, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Foley Hoag, and Chris Hart, Partner, DE&I Counseling, Defense & Investigations at Foley Hoag will discuss key topics including:

  • Structuring transparent and measurable corporate DE&I programs to reduce any potential legal risk
  • Reviewing and aligning DE&I policies/activities to promote equity fairly and lawfully
  • Trends, opportunities, and challenges for the new era of DE&I initiatives and programs

We will also hear from Karen Campbell, Chief Information Officer at Foley Hoag, and Amy Baker Mandragouras, Partner, Intellectual Property at Foley Hoag as they share their journeys, pivotal career moments that enabled their success, experiences on their way to the top, and actionable tips for others. They will also share the strategies and best practices they now use as leaders to prepare future generations of leaders. This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights from distinguished legal and business leaders on this profound shift in the DE&I landscape. An interactive Q&A will allow you to have your specific questions addressed.

LocationFoley Hoag LLP, Seaport World Trade Center West, 155 Seaport Boulevard, 17th Floor, Boston, MA 02210

CostMembers: $0; Non-Members: $10
