Networking for Introverts: How to Effectively Connect

Networking and connecting effectively are pivotal for professional growth. While some find it intuitive, especially extroverts, it can be daunting for introverts. Attempting to adopt extroverted strategies often exacerbates discomfort and even causes some people to dread the idea of networking. To support their networking endeavors, WEST is offering this event tailored to introverts with practical tools and strategies, fostering authentic and confident connections. 

All are welcome to attend 'Networking for Introverts: How to Connect Effectively' to explore a refreshing approach to networking. In addition to insights from our panelists, introverts who've navigated networking hurdles, attendees will engage in interactive games, facilitated discussions, and open networking sessions. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment where introverts can thrive and connect with authenticity and confidence.

Learning outcomes:

  • Reframing Networking: Gain insights into reframing networking as a genuine opportunity for connection rather than a strategic advancement tool.
  • Authentic Connection Strategies: Explore practical strategies tailored to introverts for building authentic connections in professional settings.
  • Overcoming Networking Challenges: Identify common networking challenges faced by introverts and explore effective strategies to overcome them.


Date and Time:  
August 8, 2024
6:00-8:00 PM ET

Be Biopharma, Inc., One Kendall Sq, Bldg 200, 3rd Floor, Be Bio Café, Cambridge, MA 02139

Members: $15; Non-Members: $30 - light dinner provided by WEST


Given our mission is to promote women's development in STEM we would like to offer a free spot in our workshops to those in transition between jobs or who cannot afford the ticket price. Please contact [email protected] if you qualify.


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