How to Make Your Ideas Irresistible - SOLD OUT 

At the heart of communications lies one seemingly elusive goal: how can we actually get people to love our ideas as much as we do? Thankfully, there’s a surprisingly simple answer, and it lies in how we come up with our ideas in the first place.

Tamsen Webster spent 20 years making messages to move minds and markets and four years turning ideas into action as the Executive Producer of one of the largest TEDx events in the world.

During this interactive session the audience will learn:

  • The three most common mistakes we make when communicating our ideas and what to do instead
  • The fastest way to overcome people’s natural resistance to change and how to use it in any format
  • The simple formula for making ideas irresistible 



As a professional "Idea Whisperer," Tamsen Webster helps people find, build, and tell the stories of their ideas. She combined 20 years in brand and message strategy with four years as a TEDx Executive Producer to create The Red Thread®, a simple way to change how people see...and what they do as a result. (Though as she'll tell you, everything she knows about people, speaking, and change, she learned at Weight Watchers.) Today, Tamsen is a globe-hopping keynote speaker who consults with enterprise companies like Verizon, Johnson & Johnson, and State Street Bank on how to get their big ideas to have the impact they deserve.


Date and Time:  
October 30, 2019
6:00 - 8:30 PM

5:50-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner
6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking
6:30-8:00pm: Workshop
8:00-8:30pm: Optional networking 

Vertex, 50 Northern Avenue, 9th Floor, Boston, MA

Thanks to Vertex for providing the venue and food for this event.

Members: $15; Non-Members: $40

Given our mission is to promote women's development in STEM we would like to offer a one-time free spot in our workshops to those in transition between jobs. Please contact [email protected] if you qualify.

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Registration is Closed.  This event has reach capacity.