Overcoming the Two Biggest Impediments for Successfully Working Globally #WESTsuccess
The fact of globalization affects all of us, daily. This is especially true for men and women working in science and technology, two of the economic engines of the 21st century economy. Companies operate globally, drawing on the talent and innovative thinking particular to a country or region. If there ever was an ‘age of ideas’, we’re living it!
Progress, however, is often stalled, or, worse, halted, because the human element of technological advances hasn’t as yet caught up. Collaborating with colleagues who have experienced the world differently as they grew up or whose professional lenses see a problem differently than us often causes conflict. When we work virtually, as we often do in global project teams, as one example, we find it difficult to establish trust with our co-workers. Social distance is increased as there are no opportunities to ‘chat around the watercooler’ or have lunch together in the canteen.
How do we cope with difference and learn to respond, with cultural and emotional intelligence, rather than ‘react’ to what we perceive are threats?
This interactive workshop focuses on two such impediments to successful collaboration: functional and cultural differences. We will explore function by considering thinking preferences and how they determine different styles of decision-making, communication, and leadership. We will then look at some cultural components which directly impair trust between and among people from different countries. Finally, once we understand the origins of the potential for conflict, we will look at some tools and techniques which can help us be more successful when dealing with difference.
Marion Estienne, Ph.D., is an expert in international business, global mindset and cross-cultural leadership challenges, who develops talent in companies that need to meet the demands of the global marketplace. She not only develops others to work successfully in the international environment but also has done business herself in this way. She is an ICF certified Executive Coach as well as a consultant for developing global-level leadership. Leadership and developing leaders is her passion. She believes that it is not possible to move forward as an organization without transformational leaders. This is as true for the corporate world as well as for the social and political. Since 2007, she has been based in the Boston area. You can listen to a new 16 week radio show hosted by Marion called Present Tense, Future Perfect at www.boldbravemedia.com. Learn more about Marion at http://3sixtyglobal.com/index.php/biography/.
Date and Time: April 4, 2017 6:00 - 8:30 PM
5:50-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner 6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking 6:30-8:00pm: Workshop 8:00-8:30pm: Optional networking
HubSpot, 2 Canal Park, Cambridge, MA
We appreciate HubSpot donating the use of their event space.
WEST Members: $35; Non-Members: $55
A light dinner will be served.
